| American Nonprofit Academy

Nonprofit Boards And Planning Learning

Embark on a journey of mastery in board governance and strategic planning with our selected collection of educational videos– tailored exclusively for nonprofits. Venture into the intricate dynamics of board management, from recruitment and retention of effective board members to nurturing a culture of engagement and mutual respect. Explore the heart of strategic planning as nonprofit experts share compelling visions and means to devise actionable plans, and implement them successfully. You’ll learn how to synergize your board and staff and align them towards common goals and objectives.  Whether you’re a newly formed nonprofit seeking structure and new board members or an established organization aiming to streamline processes and enhance impact, these inspiring learning sessions will give you a wealth of resources.

Explore the Country’s largest collection of current nonprofit learning and training videos from the top Social Impact and Nonprofit Sector Leaders!

Management and Staffing
Nonprofit Technology and Digital
Nonprofit Marketing and Communication
Board and Planning Training
Management and Staffing Training Videos

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