As many current board members approach retirement, understanding how to engage younger generations becomes increasingly vital for nonprofit organizations. In this master class episode of “The Nonprofit Show,” Julia Patrick, author of “Building Board Champions,” digs into the topic of recruiting and retaining next-gen board members. Julia begins by emphasizing the necessity of grasping what motivates the next generation. She describes that, unlike previous cohorts, today’s younger leaders are heavily influenced by social media and come with high levels of education, often burdened with student debt. This demographic tends to marry and start families later, and many are deeply invested in psychological and environmental issues. Julia offers, “Understanding what is going to attract somebody to be engaged in your nonprofit is a first strategy, and it’s a first starting point. It’s probably one of the tougher things to figure out.”

The second strategy she discusses is the need for data-driven impact reporting. Younger board members prioritize seeing the tangible effects of their contributions. Julia states, “Next Gen leaders are not going to come to you and work with you and support you and champion your nonprofit just because they feel charitable. They want to know their work and their mission is going to be rewarded with impact.” This means organizations must be prepared to provide regular updates and metrics to demonstrate progress.

Julia also introduces the concept of mentoring and the “wisdom quotient” as the third strategy. Next-gen leaders, though enthusiastic and innovative, often lack board experience. Mentoring from emeritus board members or other experienced individuals can provide invaluable guidance and continuity, which not only helps new members acclimate but also fosters a deeper connection to the organization’s history and mission.

The fourth strategy revolves around using LinkedIn to recruit with specific expectations. By clearly defining the skills and expertise needed, organizations can tap into a professional network of potential board members who may not have been previously considered. This approach ensures that recruits are well-informed about their roles and the organization’s needs.

Finally, Julia points to the importance of continuous training for all board members. This isn’t just for newcomers; ongoing education ensures everyone is up-to-date with the latest developments and strategies in the nonprofit sector. It also helps bridge generational gaps, promoting cohesion and preventing disengagement. “We often think about board training or board onboarding. I want to challenge you to think about this differently. And that’s not just for the new folks. Sure, it’s important, and you got to do it. But this is something that you can do with everyone.”

Watch this episode and buy Julia’s book and it will help your nonprofit to attract, engage, and retain next-gen board members through understanding motivations, emphasizing data-driven impact, fostering mentorship, leveraging professional networks, and committing to continuous training.