| American Nonprofit Academy


Searching for the next big thing in nonprofit management?  Perhaps the latest trends in the sector?  Maybe even how to inspire your nonprofit Board of Directors?  Take a look at these books recommended by the American Nonprofit Academy.  Start your own reading group, or bring these books into your leadership team.  New ideas and thoughts on how to be better nonprofit organizations are being discussed everyday.  Join the conversation.

 | American Nonprofit Academy

Building Board Champions
How To Activate Impactful
Board Member

Julia C. Patrick
 | American Nonprofit Academy

The Law
In Plain English for
Nonprofit Organizations

Leonard D. DuBoff and Amanda Bryan
 | American Nonprofit Academy

Strategic Impact
A Leader’s Three-Step Framework for the Customized Vital Strategic Plan

Carol A. Poore, Ph.D.
 | American Nonprofit Academy

Joan Garry’s Guide
To Nonprofit Leadership
Because The World
Is Counting On You

Joan Garry
 | American Nonprofit Academy

Nonprofit Program Evaluation Made Simple
Get Your Data.  Show Your Impact.  Improve Your Programs

Chari Smith
 | American Nonprofit Academy

Responsive Fundraising
The Donor-Centric Framework Helping Today’s Leading Nonprofits Grow Giving

Gabe Cooper & Mckenna Bailey
 | American Nonprofit Academy

Robots Make Bad Fundraisers
How Nonprofits Can
Maintain the Heart
in the Digital Age

Steven Shattuck
 | American Nonprofit Academy

The Gift of Small Potatoes
How a Culture of
Generosity  Empowers
Mission Driven Brands

Brian G. Sooy
 | American Nonprofit Academy

The Only
Book You’ll Ever Need

Ellen Karsh and Arlen Sue Fox
 | American Nonprofit Academy

Raise Your Voice

Brian G. Sooy

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