Expert’s takeaways for anyone involved with nonprofit boards, offering fresh perspectives on how to inspire board members to think big, act boldly, and stay focused on the long-term success of their organizations!

From two seasoned experts who recently wrote books about nonprofit boards, Julia Patrick, CEO of the American Nonprofit Academy, and Sherry Quam Taylor, CEO of QuamTaylor, dive deep into the challenges and dynamics of nonprofit boards.

Sherry and Julia explore the importance of understanding how nonprofit boards operate and how each member’s expertise can either enhance or hinder the organization’s progress.

A major focus of the conversation is Sherry’s “Build a Better Board Member” guide, where she outlines three often-overlooked characteristics that contribute to board success: being a learner, staying in your lane, and being financially bold and creative. Sherry argues that many board members are expected to contribute based on their expertise but lack crucial skills in areas like fundraising. She stresses the importance of board members being willing to learn and adapt to these areas, especially as nonprofit organizations seek to scale and grow.

Julia adds depth to the conversation by discussing her book, Building Board Champions, where she shares actionable strategies for engaging boards more effectively. Together, they explore how communication and trust between the executive team and the board are essential for nonprofit success. Through personal anecdotes and professional insights, they unpack the challenges many nonprofit leaders face in aligning board members with the mission and financial goals of the organization.