Our cohosts don their metaphorical fortune-teller hats to peer into the “2025 Crystal Ball and Prophecies” of nonprofit fundraising. Tackling hot topics like AI ethics, the silver tsunami, Gen Z engagement, and inter-organizational collaboration, the duo blends humor with insight.

Tony Beall, aka ‘The Nonprofit Prophet’, reveals “AI is not a human replacement; it’s a tool for collaboration.” Meanwhile, Julia Patrick, ‘Madam Fundyraz’, shows the urgency of embracing change, and what’s to come for nonprofits!

Their fun prognostications peer deep into donor retention, legacy giving, and the critical role of metrics in an increasingly data-driven sector. With a dash of humor and a call to action, this episode motivates fundraisers to embrace the future.


#FundraisingTrends #NonprofitLeadership #fundraisersFriday