A Case for Support is a vital tool for any nonprofit organization striving to clearly convey its mission and impact to donors and stakeholders. Investing time and effort into developing a thoughtful, well-structured Case for Support is a strategic move that pays dividends in the long run. It simplifies communication, strengthens donor relationships, and ultimately propels your organization’s mission forward. In this learning episode, nonprofit experts Julia Patrick and Sherry Quam Taylor, along with communications strategist Erin Straza, discussed the significance of creating a compelling Case for Support and the transformative role it can play.

At its heart, a Case for Support is more than just a document; it is a powerful narrative that tells the story of your nonprofit in a way that resonates deeply with donors. As Erin Straza so beautifully put it, “Your case for support is a narrative. It is telling your nonprofit’s story for the donor, explaining why your work is essential and how their partnership makes a difference.” This narrative acts as a foundation, from which all other communications and fundraising materials are built, ensuring a unified message that echoes across various platforms.

A well-crafted Case for Support typically comprises four essential sections:

Crisis or Problem Statement: This section paints a vivid picture of the challenges your organization is dedicated to addressing. It outlines the urgency and relevance of these issues, grounding them in credible data and compelling stories. Erin highlighted the importance of this section, noting that while some nonprofits worry about focusing too much on the negative, it is crucial to help donors understand the pressing nature of the problems at hand. Without this understanding, donors may not fully grasp the necessity of their support.

Solution and Approach: This part of the narrative showcases your organization’s unique approach to solving these problems. It details the programs and strategies you’ve developed, demonstrating not only your expertise but also your passion and commitment. Here, the story shifts from problem to solution, providing a sense of hope and direction that can inspire donors to become part of the change.

Impact Evidence: Nothing speaks louder than results. This section connects the dots between donor contributions and real-world outcomes, illustrating how their support directly fuels positive change. By weaving in success stories and measurable impact, you help donors see the tangible difference they are making, reinforcing their trust and engagement. As Erin wisely noted, “Providing donors that sense that when they give, something changes, helps them feel that their gift is not just needed, but that it is truly making a difference.”

Call to Action and Funding Needs: Finally, the Case for Support culminates in a clear and compelling call to action. This section lays out exactly how donors can contribute and what their funds will achieve. It’s where all the elements come together, encouraging immediate action and illustrating the potential for even greater impact through continued support.

Watch this episode and see how Erin eloquently describes the Case for Support as, “The one doc to rule them all; it’s a sturdy framework that you use to build other things.” This document not only guides your organizational communications but also serves as a beacon for your mission, helping to educate and inspire donors in a way that leads to lasting partnerships.