Anne Marie Dougherty, CEO of the Bob Woodruff Foundation, discusses the foundation’s mission to support U.S. veterans and their families in this recent interview. She highlights the foundation’s origins, sparked by journalist Bob Woodruff’s injuries in Iraq, and its commitment to connecting veterans with essential resources through the “Got Your Six” network. Dougherty describes their data-driven approach to expand reach and efficacy, underlining the foundation’s evolution and adaptability in meeting veterans’ needs over 18 years.

In this insightful interview on the Nonprofit Show, Anne Marie outlines the foundation’s origins, tracing back to a critical moment in 2006 when Bob Woodruff, a journalist for ABC News, was severely injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq. His family’s firsthand experiences of the gaps in support during his recovery inspired the creation of the foundation.

Anne Marie describes the foundation’s approach, which leverages a vast network to connect veterans to necessary resources and support. She explains how the foundation operates on principles of gratitude and generosity, deeply rooted in the ethos of the organization. “Everything we do is infused with the generosity of spirit and an ethos of gratitude,” she remarks, illustrating the foundation’s commitment to authentically serving those who have served the nation.

Under Anne Marie’s leadership, the foundation has not only sustained but expanded its mission over 18 years, adapting to the evolving needs of veterans through initiatives like the “Got Your Six” network. This particular program focuses on creating accessible, local connections to services for veterans, addressing both the visibility and availability of support covering all 50 states and nearly all veterans in the country.

Anne Marie also speaks about the importance of data-driven approaches in enhancing the foundation’s outreach and effectiveness. “We’re able to slice and dice the data geographically… to arm our policymakers with information that’s relevant to their district,” she explains, then referencing the strategic use of data to influence policy and ensure targeted, impactful support.

Cohosts Julia Patrick and Meredith Terrian engage with several questions of Anne Marie, as she expresses a forward-thinking vision, emphasizing preparedness and adaptability as key to future successes. Reflecting on the foundation’s trajectory and the ongoing needs of veterans, she reiterates the importance of readiness and strategic planning in navigating future challenges and recognizing opportunities.