Host Jarrett Ransom and guest host/trainer Jack Alotto CFRE answer questions received from viewers this week. Beginning with a question from a development director who has been asked to consult for a similar nonprofit in another region. Jack advises that it is not necessarily a conflict of interest but recommends having a code of conduct in place and not sharing donor information without permission. They discuss the importance of competence in consulting and the need to avoid advertising services one is not proficient in. They also highlight the significance of reviewing the organization’s conflict of interest policies and adhering to ethical standards, such as those outlined by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).

The next question is about allocating funding for internal professional development and training in a nonprofit. Jack suggests asking staff for their professional development goals and allocating resources accordingly. He emphasizes the importance of providing opportunities for growth and learning, not just within the fundraising department but also in other areas of the organization. Jarrett adds that there are numerous free resources available and mentions an upcoming webinar with the Fundraising Academy.

The third question addresses setting up a subgroup of nonprofit marketing professionals within a state nonprofit association. Both hosts support the idea of subgroups as they provide educational opportunities and diverse perspectives. They express confusion over the drama surrounding this proposal and speculate that it may be related to concerns about monetization or control. They encourage the association to allow the subgroup to form and leverage the benefits it can bring.

Lastly, they discuss an annual pay raise for C-suite nonprofit executives. Jack expresses his dislike for across-the-board raises and advocates for pay raises based on job performance. He believes that incentivizing high performers and aligning pay raises with individual goals and job descriptions is more effective. Jarrett shares a case where a percentage of pay raise was allocated across the organization, but supervisors had the discretion to give additional raises based on performance. They emphasize the need to consider compression and the importance of transparency in discussing pay within an organization.