Nonprofit topics of; Anonymous resumes, nonprofit job candidate tenure, nonprofit board giving policies, and employee fundraising campaigns, with a focus on fairness, inclusivity, and effective communication in nonprofit practices, with Muhi Khwaja, a trainer from the Fundraising Academy. Anonymized Resumes: The hosts discuss a situation where a job candidate submitted a resume without their last name to reduce potential bias. Muhi suggests that this practice reflects current political and social climates, then recommends focusing on a blind screening process based on skills, expertise, and experience, leaving personal details for later stages. Candidate Tenure: The hosts address how many years a candidate should serve in their previous position before joining a nonprofit development team. Muhi emphasizes that while tenure is a factor, it’s not the only indicator of success. Metrics like fundraising achievements, engagement, and retention matter more than just years served. Board Give or Get Policy: The hosts discuss the implementation of a board give or get policy. They suggest that it should be a standard practice, encouraging board members to make meaningful gifts based on their capacity. The importance of personal and corporate contributions is highlighted, and the role of development leads and board committees in administrating this policy is discussed. Employee Fundraising Campaigns: The hosts address concerns about implementing an employee fundraising campaign in a nonprofit with hourly employees. They discuss the potential for pay equity issues and suggest that the campaign’s focus should be on 100% participation rather than specific amounts, which could make it more meaningful for everyone. . #fundraisingstrategies #nonprofitboards #nonprofitjobs