The challenges faced by smaller nonprofits, emphasizing the importance of assessing their current state and setting realistic goals for the future, the significance of self-awareness, strategic planning, and building strong partnerships where NGO’s, nonprofits, and charities thrive, with Elizabeth Woolfe, the principal of Intuition Consulting. She introduces the concept of “growth” and how it’s not always about becoming bigger but rather about building strength and sustainability with the need to stay focused on the nonprofit organization’s purpose, mission, and impact.
The episode highlights the unique challenges leaders face, including loneliness and a lack of support, the narrow leadership pipeline and the high turnover rates in the nonprofit sector, stressing the importance of board members supporting and appreciating their nonprofit leaders to boost morale.
The high energy discussion touches on the significance of strategic thinking and capacity building for smaller nonprofits. Elizabeth encourages organizations to understand their ecosystem, collaborate with other nonprofits, and prioritize effective partnering. She discusses using tools like the “SOAR” (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Recommendations) rubric for assessments and strategic planning.

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