Harmonizing nonprofit’s technology with human behavior, fostering collaborations, setting targeted goals, and nurturing a culture of curiosity for nonprofits to effectively leverage technology for their missions, with Tim Lockie, the CEO of The Human Stack, discussing the intersection of technology and nonprofit organizations. The interview underscores the significance of Tim’s expertise revolves around helping nonprofits optimize their use of technology for meaningful outcomes and his engaging storytelling and relatable analogies make the intricate intersection of technology and nonprofit work accessible and actionable.
Tim introduces the concept of the “human stack,” emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between humans and technology to create a greater societal impact. He underlines that technology isn’t merely about the technical aspects but encompasses the behavior and culture of the people using it. Tim’s perspective is grounded in the understanding that while the technology stack relies on zeros and ones, the human stack‘s foundation is built on the principles of belonging and social connection.
The conversation journeys into the challenges faced by nonprofits in adopting and navigating technology. Tim sheds light on the need for strategic leadership and tactical execution, likening it to a race where a strategic leader and a tactical driver must collaborate effectively to succeed. He emphasizes that the key is to align the energies and roles of these two individuals within the organization.
A central theme throughout the interview is the necessity of cultivating curiosity and adopting a learning mindset when approaching technology. Tim emphasizes that tech experience alone isn’t enough; fostering curiosity and creating a feedback loop are vital elements in driving positive change.
The discussion is punctuated by Tim’s insights into creating an environment where individuals can voice their concerns constructively, leading to iterative improvements in technology utilization. He introduces the concept of “complaining as a sign of hope,” encouraging organizations to encourage feedback and complaints to identify pain points and make necessary adjustments.

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