Preparing for your annual performance review is a critical process that can shape your career trajectory, especially in the nonprofit sector as a fundraiser. It involves setting clear goals, documenting your achievements, advocating for yourself, identifying growth opportunities, and maintaining open lines of communication with your supervisor. During this episode of Fundraisers Friday, cohosts Julia Patrick and Tony Beall offer guidance on how to approach this important conversation.

Start Early: The Importance of Goal Setting

Tony starts with emphasizing the necessity of setting clear goals and objectives well before the review process begins. Without a defined set of expectations, it’s challenging to have a meaningful discussion about performance. Whether you’re working in a small nonprofit or a larger organization, having these goals in place is crucial. If your organization doesn’t already have a structured review process, Tony advises taking the initiative to propose one. By bringing examples and frameworks to your reviewer, you can advocate for a process that allows both you and the nonprofit to improve.

Documenting Achievements: Keep Track of Your Successes

Throughout the year, it’s essential to document your accomplishments and any challenges you’ve faced. This practice not only helps in preparing for your review but also ensures that you can accurately reflect on your performance. Tony suggests maintaining a folder—whether digital or physical—where you collect evidence of your achievements, such as meeting fundraising goals or overcoming donor obstacles. This documentation will be invaluable, as it can provide concrete examples of your contributions.

Self-Advocacy: Be Prepared to Highlight Your Value

One of the big tips from the discussion is the importance of self-advocacy during the review process. Julia and Tony both stress that you should not be afraid to “get your own flowers”—in other words, to recognize and promote your successes. This includes preparing a self-assessment that not only lists your achievements but also explains the strategies and efforts that led to those successes. This approach can help counter any perceptions that your success was merely due to luck.

Addressing Challenges and Seeking Development Opportunities

Another important aspect of the review process is identifying areas where you can improve and seeking out professional development opportunities. Tony encourages us to be proactive in suggesting solutions and asking for the resources we need to grow. This could include training programs, mentorship, or other forms of professional development that will help you excel in your role and contribute even more effectively to your nonprofit.

Handling Feedback: Preparing for Criticism

Receiving feedback can be daunting, and Tony offers that the best review processes are those where there are no surprises. By having ongoing conversations with your supervisor (s) throughout the year, you can ensure that you’re on the same page regarding your performance. This regular communication reduces the likelihood of unexpected feedback during your annual review and helps you approach the process with confidence.

By following the steps offered on this episode of The Nonprofit Show, you can turn your performance review into a positive experience that helps you advance in your fundraising career.