The Cause Selling fundraising program will enhance your fundraising success. The tools provided within the extensive educational resource aim to help nonprofits raise money and advance their fundraising strategies.

Jack Alotto, CFRE, highlights the value of following the Cause Selling cycle, consisting of three phases and eight steps. He emphasized that by focusing on each module of the cycle, fundraisers can effectively lead up to the “ASK” phase, making the solicitation process easier and more natural. The key is to invest time and effort in every step, including need discovery, listening, asking open-ended questions, presentation style, and handling objections.

When asked about donor’s objections, Jack advised fundraisers not to take it personally. He emphasized the need to broaden the definition of success, attract more donors than necessary, and understand that rejection is a common experience in fundraising. By forgiving oneself, engaging in positive self-talk, and reflecting on missed opportunities, fundraisers can learn and improve their approach. He mentioned the unique strategy of overcoming objections and the concept of donation signals. These tools help fundraisers gauge donor interest and engagement, enabling them to tailor their presentations accordingly.

To gain proficiency with the Cause Selling cycle, Jack suggests continuously reviewing the model and understanding each module’s purpose. He recommends leveraging the resources available in the free online fundraising portal, which offers blogs, videos, webinars, and training programs.