Engaging perspectives on the nuances of nonprofit board structures and fundraising strategies, answering nonprofit’s questions and offering practical advice for nonprofit organizations. Questions covered; Establishing a young professionals board | Joint fundraising campaigns | Crafting appeals from NPO CEO’s | How to join the professional speaking circuit for nonprofit experts. Hosted by Tony Beall with guest expert Jack Alotto from Fundraising Academy.

The pair begin with answering a question about establishing a separate board for young professionals. Jack proposes instead that they should be integrated into the existing board structure. He questions the necessity of having two separate boards, highlighting the legal and logistical complexities involved. “Another board sounds really cumbersome. And I really don’t know how that would work to have two boards,” he you’ll hear him remark, which conveys his preference for simplicity and efficiency in board management.

Jack also shares his thoughts on the potential benefits of creating young professionals’ affinity groups instead of formal boards, which can provide the desired engagement without the formalities and responsibilities that come with board membership. This approach aligns with his broader vision of strategic nonprofit governance, where assessing the actual needs of the board through a thorough “board needs assessment” is crucial before making structural changes.

You’ll love the wisdom and positive thinking these two bring to each question. Enjoy!