In this lively edition of “Ask and Answer Friday”, nonprofit experts Meico Marquette Whitlock and Muhi Khwaja, from, bring forward their insightful answers to questions about nonprofit management and operating strategies. Topics covered include;

Marcus from Minneapolis opens the dialogue by asking for strategies to encourage a program officer from a large funder to visit their campus, aiming to forge a stronger relationship. The response focuses on ways to enhance engagement with the funder, suggesting that understanding the funder’s hesitations and exploring various methods of showcasing the campus, including virtual tours, could be effective.

Maya from Dallas questioned the effectiveness of traditional snail mail campaigns versus digital approaches for their next holiday season fundraising efforts. The hosts debate the merits of each method, with suggestions to blend digital and physical outreach methods effectively to maximize donor engagement and response rates.

Shania from Oklahoma City brought up concerns about the relevance of continuing an “Employee of the Month” program in a now predominantly work-from-home environment. The conversation veered towards the value of maintaining recognition and morale in remote settings, suggesting steps to personalize acknowledgments and maintaining the essence of appreciation regardless of the medium.

Ramon from Miami seeks advice on how nonprofit boards could advocate for children’s mental health without jeopardizing their 501C3 status. The hosts elaborate on the importance of educating rather than lobbying state legislators, stressing the importance of forming relationships and utilizing educational outreach as a primary tool for advocacy.

An anonymous question from Oakland describes a sensitive issue regarding a CEO’s request for employees to donate to their nonprofit to show 100% employee participation. The hosts debate the ethical considerations and practical implications of such requests, emphasizing the need to balance organizational goals with respect for individual financial circumstances.