Grant writing expert, Dr. Beverly A. Browning, affectionately referred to as Doctor Bev, digs deep into the intricacies of grants and the entangled web of myths and bad advice that often plague the nonprofit sector.
Doctor Bev’s vast experience and portfolio, includes her popular book “Grant Writing for Dummies.”
The interview looks into the transparency in grant-seeking and management. Doctor Bev’s emphasis on the essentiality of financial prudence, strict adherence to grant agreements, and meticulous reporting should be helpful to any nonprofit.
With a nod to the costs associated with accepting and implementing grants, Doctor Bev’s advice will help you understand the significance of including evaluation expenses, data input, and technological support in grant budgets, underscoring the need for a meticulous and comprehensive approach.
The interview concludes with a discussion about the changing landscape of philanthropy during and after the pandemic, underscoring the significance of maintaining strong relationships with funders and staying abreast of their guidelines.