Questions from nonprofits; Starting with a question regarding the lack of proper information being entered in their donor database system by fellow team members in the fundraising department, Tony suggests how to bring the team together to discuss the database system and its value. A viewer from Los Angeles asks about the protocol for a major gifts officer to communicate to existing donors when they are leaving and moving to another nonprofit. The hosts emphasize the need for transparency and clear communication, suggesting different approaches based on individual donors’ relationships and preferences. Another question addressed is regarding the time it takes to find a qualified interim CEO for a retiring CEO. Finally, a viewer from Memphis asked about the ideal dollar amount for the average nonprofit board member’s annual give or get. Tony amplifies how creating a culture of giving within the board, recognizing different financial circumstances, and even considering a sliding scale based on board members’ years of service, can be solutions. They also discuss the keys of being transparent about board member contributions for grant and funder purposes.