Practical tips for nonprofits on addressing outdated information, integrating board members into fundraising, managing remote teams, and the importance of board succession planning, with the helpful insights from Muhi Khwaja, CFRE and trainer from Fundraising Academy.

–Addressing Outdated Information in Presentations–

A nonprofit professional asks how to manage a situation where a CEO presented outdated and incorrect data. Muhi begins his response by emphasizing the importance of having updated talking points and literature. He suggests that marketing departments should create and regularly update a pitch deck with current statistics. Muhi also advises providing updated information electronically to correct any mistakes without embarrassing the CEO.

–Integrating Board Members in Fundraising–

Another question comes from a CEO who wants to involve a passionate board member in fundraising, despite resistance from the development department. Muhi stresses that board members are integral to fundraising and should not be seen as outsiders. He advocates for development teams to work closely with CEOs to engage board members in fundraising, whether through thank-you calls, grant meetings, or personal donor visits. This integration can be managed effectively by having a development committee that includes board members.

–Managing a Work-From-Anywhere Team–

Pat from Flagstaff, AZ, sought advice on managing a team spread across different time zones. Muhi shares his experience with a work-from-anywhere (WFA) structure, emphasizing the importance of scheduled meetings, time management tools like Calendly, and communication platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Slack. He highlights the flexibility and productivity benefits of WFA, saying that organizations should find a cadence that works for them and allow their teams to balance work and personal lives effectively.

–Importance of Board Chair-Elect Positions—

Robert from Omaha, NE, asked about the necessity of having a board chair-elect. Muhi supports the idea, noting that having an elect position helps with continuity and ensures smooth transitions. He recommends updating bylaws to reflect this policy and having job descriptions to distinguish between the roles of the current chair and the chair-elect. This approach helps in maintaining organizational knowledge and stability.

–Professional Development and CFRE Training–

Muhi and Julia discuss a recent initiative where they launched the first Muslim CFRE study group, in partnership with CFRE and AFP Global. This initiative aims to provide professional development opportunities for Muslim fundraisers, with plans to continue this annually.

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