Insights on nonprofit fundraising staff management and the transformative power of technology in fundraising. Our guest explains the importance for fundraisers to pursue work-life balance as an “ebb and flow” rather than a strict equilibrium, and emphasizing the importance of personal well-being alongside professional effectiveness, to meet the challenges in building a sustainable and humane fundraising environment.

In this lively exchange, hosted by Wendy Adams and Julia Patrick, Micah James, a Senior Platform Coach at, shares a look at what truly resonates with those involved in nonprofit management and fundraising.

Micah and the team at Bloomerang have been instrumental in helping organizations transition from traditional methods like Excel and Google Sheets to more sophisticated customer relationship management (CRM) tools offered by Bloomerang. She delightfully notes the “aha moments” experienced by clients when they realize the efficiencies gained through automation. Micah explains, “One of my favorite moments is when clients realize they don’t have to do things manually anymore. It’s about seeing those fundraising practices come to life, and technology come alongside fundraising.”

The chat steps into the crucial topic of work-life balance within the nonprofit sector. Micah introduces a refreshing perspective on the concept of balance, emphasizing it as more of an “ebb and flow” rather than a strict equilibrium. She believes that it’s unrealistic to expect a 50/50 balance daily and suggests that a more fluid understanding is needed to maintain both personal well-being and professional effectiveness.

She continues, stressing the value of sustaining not just financial resources but also the well-being of those who lead nonprofits. She acknowledged how the shift to digital platforms can be overwhelming for some but also opens new paths for operational efficiency and donor engagement.

Micah shared her approach to management, focusing on the human aspects of her team members before business metrics. This, she argues, is essential to create a supportive work environment and improve staff retention, which is crucial given the typically high turnover in the sector.

Micah ends with a statement on the intersection of sustainable fundraising and employee well-being, pointing to the need for organizations to recognize the multifaceted challenges their staff face and to cultivate an environment that supports long-term engagement and success.

Micah’s words are a strong reminder of the human element in the too often mechanically perceived field of fundraising, echoing a need for empathy, understanding, and adaptability as nonprofit’s pursue their philanthropic goals.