Nonprofit questions answered: Nonprofit mission moments, double duty nonprofit board service, elderly board members, nonprofit ceo job reviews, with Tony Beall, the Senior Director for the Center of Development and Advancement at National University. The discussion revolves around key topics related to nonprofit management and leadership, emphasizing the importance of creativity, collaboration, and empathy in nonprofit leadership.

The practice of starting staff meetings with a “mission moment.” Julia and Tony both agree on the importance of these moments, as they serve to center and refocus the team on their organization’s mission. However, finding efficient ways to incorporate mission moments can be challenging. Tony suggests creative alternatives, such as regional mission moments or using digital platforms like Slido to capture the essence of mission moments and highlight them during all-hands meetings.

A professional who is considering serving on the board of another nonprofit organization that works in a similar field. The concern is whether this would be a conflict of interest. Tony emphasizes the value of collaboration and suggests exploring ways for the two organizations to work together rather than viewing it as a conflict of interest. Joint projects, tours, and sharing knowledge can foster cooperation and mutual benefit.

The issue of an elderly board member who is struggling with digital tools and technology. The dilemma is whether to ask the board member to step down and find a more tech-savvy replacement. Tony stresses the importance of inclusion and diversity within the board and advises against removing board members solely based on their digital comfort zone. He suggests providing support and education to help the board member adapt to technology, recognizing that digital literacy can be improved.

A CEO who has not received a job review for three years. The CEO is concerned about the board chair‘s reluctance to conduct the review. Tony emphasizes that the responsibility for conducting a CEO performance review falls on the entire board, not just the chair. He recommends using a self-assessment process as a proactive approach to initiate conversation about performance and provide the CEO with an opportunity to reflect on their role.